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Showing posts from September, 2010

How to Play Mafia Wars Using Proxy on Facebook With a Fortiguard Web Filter?

Facebook game Mafia Wars is really popular and is played by millions of people. Even I played upto some level. Mafia wars is really interesting and one can not leave it quite easily once played. Best thing is that it is played online. However Maifa wars and other games such as firmville, cafe and frontierville are blocked due to web filters on networks. Web Filters like fortiguard, websense and net nanny block all these games very easily and admins do that. Mafia Wars is never ending and one can waste a lot of time in playing games on facebook. However if you want to play mafia wars behind a web filter, there is always a method to do such things. Use these softwares to play any type of game on Facebook, Myspace or orkut. Ivacy VPN Ultra VPN GNU net Paper Bus  Ib VPN Sky DUR Black VPN NetShade This is a list of Virtual private network softwares which let you connect to their server and once its success ful, you can enjoy the whole world of internet. I haven't tried any o...

How to Access Facebook Games Using Proxy?

Access Facebook Games - Facebook games are getting popular and popular day by day. Facebook games like Mafia wars, firmville, frontierville and many other are there which people enjoy and pass many hours on games just playing it for fun. Because of its popularity the facebook games are blocked on many networks. The admins allows to do facebook but they block facebook games. To play facebook games you have to use certain methods like to access facebook through proxy website. However proxy website do often get blocked and secondly the speed of the games will be too slow to play and enjoy on the website. Here are some softwares which you can use to play games of facebook without any difficulty. Some of them require installation while some rum without any installation. The Free VPN CyberGhost VPN FreeNet Freegate IP Privacy Astrill VyperVPN Jon Do Out of this some of them you may have heard of or you may have read in my earlier post. However some are new. VPN is virtual private...

How to Bypass Firewall Websense Web Filtering?

Firewall Websense can be easily bypassed with the help of proxy websites. However you need to find enough proxy website to work for you as proxy websites often get blocked. You can join groups on Google to find new proxies. Yahoo groups is also a good place to look out for new proxies. Proxy Softwares also do a good job of bypassing web filters like websense and fortiguard. Use these softwares to bypass and avoid websense web filter: Here are few softwares: Packetix VPN Client Hotspot shield Ultrasurf Freegate Hopster Open VPN Puff the magic Dragon These softwares are really very good and easily bypass and unblock any kind of web filter. For youtube you can use Puff as it gives a good buffering speed and you can watch videos easily on website. Every blocked websites will be unbloked once you use these softwares. Best of luck.

How to Avoid Websense Web Filter?

Avoid websense web filter is very easy. It can be done in 3 ways. You can easily bypass or unblock websense by these methods. May be one or two of them will not work as it is quite effective. However you can easily bypass web filter of any type with these methods. Here are those three methods:- 1. Using a Language conversion website 2. Using a Proxy Website 3. Using a Proxy Software These are the 3 methods. The first one is quite simple. Just convert the webpage to any language to English,now as the webpage will be already in english, the conversion produces the website in English. Here are two websites  which you can use: Google Language Tools Yahoo Babelfish Babelfish is really good and changes every webpage fast and effectively. There are no. of proxy websites which you can use to bypass web filter. However proxy websites are always blocked by web filters so you need to find some good websites which will work for you. You can join yahoo groups to find new proxy webs...

How to Access Youtube if Blocked on Websense?

Youtube is the most popular websites which currently ranks at 3rd place just after Google and Facebook. After all it has millions of users watching videos and uploading videos. Youtube has really a vast collection of videos and that's why it is so popular. Access ing Youtube is not a problem on networks. However because of it popularity it often gets blocked. We can get videos which are informational and also videos which can teach us something dangerous. Websense and fortiguard are most popular firewalls which often are used across networks to block websites like youtube, facebook, dailymotion, meebo and other popular websites. Now to unblock and bypass these web filters we need proxy websites but they are not effective as they get blocked every day as soon as admin finds them. I have some software which can help you to bypass these web filters like websense, net nanny, cyberpatrol. Here they are- Puff the Magic Dragon - I observed that it gives a good speed when youtube ope...

How do I unblock Social networking websites on Websense web filter?

Social networking websites such as facebook, myspace ,orkut, meebo and twitter are very popular among people with millions of visitors every day. This is the main reason websites are blocked on every web filter including websense. Websense is a strong web filter and block website. Proxy websites are also blocked by this filter.It is also very popular. Unblocking these websites is very easy. There are two ways to unblock social networking websites. The first one is that you should always find a new proxy websites which you can use to surf the internet or You should use   proxy softwares which will help you to bypass websense web filter. There are many softwares. I will list some of the popular ones here: Ultrasurf Puff the magic dragon Hotspot shield Packetix VPN CLient Freegate Use these proxy softwares to bypass any kind of web filter. For finding new proxy websites you can join many groups on yahoo and google which will deliver the name of proxy websites inside you inma...

How Can I disable Websense?

Well, first thing I want to explain is that you cannot disable websense as a student or as a office employee. You should have administrators rights to disable websense or any other web filter. However you can bypass such web filter like websense , fortiguard,net nanny by use of proxy websites like Kproxy, vtunnel or there are numerous websites which let you surf the internet. May be many of these will be blocked but you should join any group to find new proxy websites. You can also use small softwares to bypass websense web filter. These softeware are portable and some of them are to be installed on your laptop. Installing only works if your company provides you the wireless internet service. Some of the softwares which you can choose are: Hotspot shield Hopster OpenVPn Ultrasurf Freegate Puff Dragon These proxy software are easy to use. Especially the last three are portable. You open them click connect and you can open any websites such as facebook, myspace or youtube. On...

How to Bypass University Web Filter?

University web filters are quite strong as compared with normal school ones. It is because the college students tend to see websites which are not educational. To bypass university web filter, I always used to use proxy websites but every 2 or 3rd day I used to have new one as the previous proxy always get blocked. Proxy websites always do a good job of bypassing. However Web filters such as websense, fortiguard, cyberpatrol,netnanny or any other web filters are easily bypassed by small softwares which work as proxy. Use these softwares to bypass any kind of web filter: Ultrasurf Freegate Puff the magic dragon These 3 softwares are portable and can be taken into the university lab and you can easily use the software. However beware that you should not get caught as there may be a severe punishment regarding the use of proxy software. You can visit any website like facebook, myspace orkut ,youtube or any other websites which you like. Best of luck.