Notifications is one of the first things we look in our facebook account whenever we login. If there is lot of notifications, we found that many of the are from games, groups and other useless notifications. Now, How to get rid of such notifications? They are unwanted notification that keep coming because you must have joined a group, commented or liked any status, photos. You can turn off or disable facebook notification very easily.
Here are few simple ways through which you can stop such notifications in your facebook account -
1. Group Notifications: This is the most common facebook notifications. Suppose you are subscribed to lot of facebook group so whenever the admin of the group posts something, you will get a notification. Suppose you commented or liked any item of the group, then also you will get a notification for that item if any body comments or likes it. Now how to remove such notifications? Here are simple steps-
- Go to the group from which you are getting most notifications.
- Now, look at the right hand side just below the Cover pic, you will see an option "Notifications".
- Click on Notifications. Now you have the option to turn it OFF or ON.
Now for any post that you have commented, just click on the UNFOLLOW POST below the actual post. There are three option available for any post - Like , Comment, Unfollow Post. Simply click on unfollow if have commented on the post and you don't want any notifications.
2. Games and apps notifications - Some people play a lot of games and apps. They send request or it gets send automatically to their friends. Now to get rid of this problem just open the request page or click any such notifications, you will see request from number of apps and games which you ignored. Click on Cross sign in front of them. It will give you two option. Block and ignore,you can choose as you wish.
3. Event Notifications - You always get notifications about an event happening. However, it is minimum. But to turn this off also. Go the the event page, Click on settings and then turn off notifications. With these simple steps you will never get annoying and unwanted notification in you account.
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