There are many ways to make money online while working on a computer from home without any investment. However, there are only few legit ways which pay you money. If you try to search for it, many websites will appear showing different ways of making money online. Many of them are fake website. They just don't pay and if they even pay, it will be in cents. Believe me I tried them for few days before getting the reality behind them.
Here I am going to describe few ways through which you can make money online from home. However many of them require you to have website or blog. You can create them for free and write articles on it over a period of time.
1. Google Adsense
Google Adsense is a program by Google which lets you make money from your blog or article. Google Adsense provides you ads to show on your blog through which you can make money. Make a blog on Blogger or any other free blogging platform supporting Google adsense. After writing few posts, apply to Google adsense. Once accepted, you can make money. It's the number 1 source of mine through which I am making good amount of money. The other reason there is no investment required from you. As already explained, you can make a free blog on and start right away.
2. Freelancing
Freelancing is another method through which you can make money online. There are many websites on which you can sign up. Once you sign up they give you many projects from which you have to choose and write few pages about them. The amount of money depend on the no. of pages and the money offered by the people who gave to write it. Freelancing is the great way to make money online without investment because you are getting paid for your talent.
3. Affiliate Marketing
Have you heard about it? Websites such as Amazon or Flipkart in India pay you commission if you sell their product through your link. Yes, sign up on them as an affiliate and then try to sell the products to customers or the people you know. If you have a website or blog, put banners on them so that people can directly by the product by clicking on them.
4. Amazon Kindle Books
If you are a real writer and you have the capacity to write small books or books with many pages in any category whether it's from fiction or non-fiction. In Amazon kindle books, you can upload the book and sell it at your price. There are millions of people using kindle and they always looking for books which are informative through Amazon kindle store. So, people will buy your book. Do some initial marketing of the book and you will make money out of it.
5. For Programmers
Are you good in writing computer programmers? Well, there are many websites which offers projects just like in freelancing. Signup with them and earn money online by completing projects.
Hope you will try few of them. I am trying Google adsense, Affiliate marketing and Amazon Kindle books. I published 5 books on Amazon through which I am making a decent amount of money.
Best of luck.
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