Amazon Mechanical Turk is another great work of making money online
for free. Amazon mechanical turk is a marketplace where you get paid
when you complete a work given by people. When you sign up with Amazon
mechanical turk, you become a worker with Amazon.
People give many
type of work in the marketplace which you can complete to earn money
for free. There are many tasks which can be simple and hard as well.
However most of them are simple. The amount of money earned directly
depends on the amount of work completed.
The type of work are know
as HITS on marketplace at Mechanical Turk. HITS mainly means Human
Intelligence Tasks on which you work to earn money. Here are few advantages of this program-
- You can work from home.
- You can choose your working hours. It depends on you when you want to work.
- You get paid for doing good work.
- Money directly goes into the Amazon Payments account.
There are only 3 steps to complete the work -
- Find the HIT.
- Accept the HIT.
- Complete and get Paid.
Here are few HITS example which you can get on Amazon Mechanical Turk marketplace -
- Find legal categories for Law Firms
- Keyword search on
- Find the ranking of a website on Google
- Is this website suitable for general audience?
are real easy to complete. Give it a try and do tell your experience.
If you are already a member, please share the experience in the
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