There are thousand of students who give their exam in Hindi language. Study material are not easily available in Hindi language. However we tried to find few videos on work and time problems in Hindi and are now going to post the same here. Learn and understand the videos and if you have any doubt, comment on the channel page by visiting the Youtube.
How to hack Fortiguard Web Filtering? How to Break Fortiguard web filtering? Fortiguard web filtering is software which is installed on networks specially in schools to prevent the usage of unwanted websites. The fortiguard web filter is very strong and blocks the website according to the categories defined by the administrator. Categories like social networking, under this it will block all the websites such as facebook, orkut, hi5,myspace. Cracking or bypassing fortiguard with the help of software is very easy. For some software, admins rights are required for the software installation. You should not do it on your school computer because you will get caught anyway. For this, you should use your own laptop. However you can use portable softwares by taking them in the pen drive as they don't need to be installed. They run directly. By all the methods described below, other web filters like Websense, Met nanny, Norton parental,Safe eyes can also by bypassed an...
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